Project Number: 328

County: Floyd

State: GA

Year Conserved: 2017

Acreage Conserved: 551.05

Land Type: Habitat

Conservation Values: Visibility from Bogan, Kincaid, and Heath Mountains. Adjacent GA Land Trust conservation easement. Within TNC Upper Coosa River Basin. Natural habitats including ruderal grasslands, late successional forests, early- to mid-successional forests, ruderal forests, and Medium to Large Rivers and Streams designated as high priority habitats. Six property community types are uncommon (G4).

These working farms contain 334 acres of Prime Farmland and 100 acres of Farmland of StatewideImportance.Between the two adjacent easements, more than 16,000 acres of shoreline along the Coosa River are protected along with 100 acres of wetlands, ensuring these features are allowed to remain intact but also benefiting the ecosystem and water quality services provided by these features can function into the future. Present within the migratory path of Sandhill Crane, in years with ample precipitation or where corn is planted the birds can be observed using the property along their journey. There are 73 Georgia Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy high priority rare plants and fifteen high priority animals that occur within the Coosa River Watershed and can benefit directly or indirectly from conservation of these properties.