Project Number: 284
County: Stewart
State: TN
Year Conserved: 2016
Acreage Conserved: 241.29
Land Type: Habitat
Conservation Values: The CA contains a wide variety of habitats: mature hardwoods, drainage depressions, and a creek. The TN DNR has identified priority habtiats that are on the CA: South Central Interior Mesophytic Forest, South-Central Interior Small Stream and Riparian, and Southern Interior Low Plateau Dry Mesic Forest. Potential for occurrenes of the Western Pygmy Rattlesnake, Spreading False-foxglove, Northern Pinesnake, Ozark Downy Phlox, Fraser's Loosestrife, Hairy Hawkweed and Bald Eagle. The CA is within the KY Lake watershed which is part of the TN river Basin that flows into the MS River - the CA will protect water quality for these water sources and protects TVA's bufferland. Immediately adjacent to 170,000 acres in the Land Between the Lakes National Recretation Area.