Project Number: 223

County: Dekalb

State: AL

Year Conserved: 2015

Acreage Conserved: 97.8

Land Type: Habitat

Conservation Values: Contains a mixture of hardwood forests types, a creek, small rock outcrops and caves (three caves are located in the CA). Contains three forest communites: Oak-hickory, Rich Cove, Boulder Field. Contains many species: warblers, Corlina Wren, black capped chickadee, bluejay, junco, various woodpeckers, and American Crow. AL Natural Heritage Program has recorded rare ground beetle species. Contains potential habitats for rare species: mountain stewartia, ginseng (under threat), black cohosh (under threat). Contains a tributary of the east fork of Lookout Creek which runs through the CA as it approached Lookout Mtn. Lookout Creek is within the MT Chickamauga watershed.