Project Number: 401
County: Grundy
State: TN
Year Conserved: 2018
Acreage Conserved: 310.3
Land Type: Habitat
Conservation Values: In TN SWAP South Cumberland Plateau COA. Preserves Stonequarry Creek and headwaters of Sally Creek. Maintain water quality of Elk River and Dry Creek Watersheds. Four cover types preferred habitat for SGCN. AMJV priority conservation species Worm-Eating Warbler, Wood Thrust, Black-and-White Warbler, Indigo Bunting, Scarlet Tanager, Summer Tanager, Hooded Warbler, and Yellow-Throated Vireo. Yellow-Billed Cuckoo is CBSD. Kentucky and Worm-Eating Warbler PIF "D" Yellow Watch List.