Project Number: 230

County: Lumpkin

State: GA

Year Conserved: 2015

Acreage Conserved: 196.42

Land Type: Habitat

Conservation Values: Contians a variety of natural habitats: hardwood and alluvial forests, a creek, rock outcrops, large majority of which occurs in a large river corridor. GA DNR WCS has identified: mesic hardwood forests, oak-hickory pine forest and Springs, and Spring runs on the CA as priority habitats. Potential for rare species within the CA: mountain crayfish, Etowah crayfish, Chattahoochee Crayfish, seepage salamander, dwarf black-bellied salamander, shovel nosed salamander, northern coal skink, eastern milk snake, eastern small footed myotis, southern Applachian woodrat, mountain chorus frog, pygmy shrew, eastern spotted skunk, pale corydalis, pink ladyslipper. A population of worthy shield lichen exists within the CA, which is rated as a Federal Species of Concern. The CA drains into the Chestatee River in teh Upper Chattahoochee Watershed. The Chestatee River is a major tributary to Lake Lanier ten miles downstream. The CA is within 6 miles of the Chattahoochee National Forest.